Publications in International Journals
“Horizontal Mergers and Incremental Innovation ,” with Bruno Jullien and Yassine Lefouili. RAND Journal of Economics , forthcoming.
“Licensing Standard Essential Patents with Costly Enforcement,” 2023, with Yann Ménière and Rafael Ferraz, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy , 23(4), 827-855.
“Selling Cross-Border in Online Markets: The Impact of the Ban on Geoblocking Strategies ,” 2023, with Fabio M. Manenti, International Journal of Industrial Organization , 86, article 102892.
“Streaming Platform and Strategic Recommendation Bias ,” 2022, with Germain Gaudin, Journal of Economics & Management Strategy , 31(1), 25-47.
“Does digitization lead to the homogenization of cultural content? ” 2022, with François Moreau and Patrik Wilström, Economic Inquiry , 60, 427-453.
“Market Entry and Fighting Brands: The Case of the French Mobile Telecommunications Market ,” 2021, with Yutec Sun and Frank Verboven, American Economic Review , 111(11), 3459-3499.
“Co-investment, Uncertainty, and Opportunism: Ex-ante and Ex-post Remedies ,” 2021, with Carlo Cambini, Steffen Hoernig and Ingo Vogelsang, Information Economics and Policy , 56, article 100913.
“Fiber investment and access under uncertainty: long-term contracts, risk premia, and access options ,” 2020, with Carlo Cambini, Steffen Hoernig and Ingo Vogelsang, Journal of Regulatory Economics , 57, 105-117.
“Unbundling the Incumbent and Deployment of High-Speed Internet: Evidence from France ,” 2019, with Maude Hasbi and Lukasz Grzybowski, International Journal of Industrial Organization , 67, article 102526.
“Net Neutrality and Asymmetric Platform Competition ,” 2019, with Romain Lestage, Journal of Regulatory Economics , 55(2),140-171.
“Interchange Fees and Innovation in Payment Systems,” 2019, with Marianne Verdier, Review of Industrial Organization , 54(1), 129-158.
“The value of consumer data in online advertising,” 2018, with Bernard Caillaud and Romain De Njis, Review of Network Economics , 16(3) 269–289.
“Mergers, investments and demand expansion ,” 2018, with Bruno Jullien, Economics Letters , 167, 136-141.
“Gains from Digitization: Evidence from Gift-Giving in Music ,” 2018, with Pınar Doğan, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization , 149, 106-122.
“Cooperative Investment, Access, and Uncertainty ,” 2018, with Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig, International Journal of Industrial Organization , 56, 78-106.
“Taxation of a digital monopoly platform ,” 2018, with Bernard Caillaud and Romain De Njis, Journal of Public Economic Theory , 20(1), 40-51.
“E-commerce and the market structure of the recorded music industry,” 2017, with François Moreau and Romain Lestage, Applied Economics Letters , 24, 598-601.
“Size of RJVs and Degree of Cooperation in Product Development ,” 2016, with Pınar Doğan and Matthieu Manant, International Journal of Industrial Organization , 46, 77-106.
“Making money by giving it for free: Radiohead’s pre-release strategy for In Rainbows ,” 2015, with Pınar Doğan and Sounman Hong, Information Economics and Policy , 32, 77-93.
“Price distortion under fixed-mobile substitution ”, 2015, with Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig, Economia e Politica Industriale , 42(4), 441-454.
“Geographical Access Markets and Investments in Next Generation Networks,” 2015, with Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig, Information Economics and Policy , 31, 13–21.
“Net Neutrality with Competing Internet Platforms ,” 2015, with Frago Kourandi and Tommaso Valletti, Journal of Industrial Economics , 63(1), 30–73.
“Piracy and Creation: The Case of the Music Industry ,” 2015, with Maya Bacache and François Moreau, European Journal of Law & Economics , 39(2), 245-262.
“Fixed-Mobile Substitution and Termination Rates ,” 2015, with Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig, Telecommunications Policy , 39(1), 65–76.
“Cooperative and Noncooperative R&D in Two-Sided Markets ,” 2014, with Marianne Verdier, Review of Network Economics , 13(2), 175–190.
“Old Technology Upgrades, Innovation, and Competition in Vertically Differentiated Markets ,” 2014, with Paolo Lupi and Fabio Manenti, Information Economics and Policy , 29, 10–31.
“Level of Access and Infrastructure Investment in Network Industries ,” 2014, with Pınar Doğan and Romain Lestage, Journal of Regulatory Economics , 46(3), 237–260.
“Progressive Entry and the Incentives to Invest in Alternative Infrastructures ,” 2014, with Joeffrey Drouard, Journal of Regulatory Economics , 45(3), 329–351.
“Access regulation and the transition from copper to fiber networks in telecoms ,” 2014, with Carlo Cambini and Pınar Doğan, Journal of Regulatory Economics , 45(3), 233–258.
“Fixed-Mobile Integration ,” 2014, with Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig, Journal of Regulatory Economics , 45, 57–74.
“Dynamic Entry and Investment in New Infrastructures: Empirical Evidence from the Fixed Broadband Industry ”, 2014, with Maya Bacache and Germain Gaudin, Review of Industrial Organization , 44(2), 179–209.
“Selling less of more? The impact of digitization on record companies ”, 2013, with François Moreau, Michel Gensollen, and Patrick Waelbroeck, Journal of Cultural Economics , 37(3), 327–346.
“Access Pricing, Competition, and Incentives to Migrate from ”Old“ to ”New“ Technologies ,” 2012, with Carlo Cambini and Pınar Doğan, International Journal of Industrial Organization , 30(6), 713–723.
“The impact of a radical innovation on business models: Incremental adjustments or big bang? ” 2012, with François Moreau and Michel Gensollen, Industry & Innovation , 19(5), 415–435.
“Level of access and competition in broadband markets ,” 2012, with Pınar Doğan, Review of Network Economics , 11(1).
“Ex-ante regulation and co-investment in the transition to next generation access,” 2012, with Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig, Telecommunications Policy , 36, 399–406.
“Upstream Competition between Vertically Integrated Firms,” 2011, with Johan Hombert, Jérôme Pouyet, and Nicolas Schutz, Journal of Industrial Economics , 59(4), 677–713. [Web appendix ].
“Cooperation for Innovation in Payment Systems: The Case of Mobile Payments,” 2010, with Marianne Verdier, Communications & Strategies , n°79, 95–113.
“National FTTH Plans in France, Italy and Portugal,” 2010, with Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig, Communications & Strategies , n°78, 107–126.
“A Critical Review of the ”Ladder of Investment“ Approach ,” 2010, with Pınar Doğan and Matthieu Manant, Telecommunications Policy , 34(11), 683–696.
“Component sharing through licensing ,” 2010, with Pınar Doğan, Communications & Strategies , n°77, 113–132.
“Private cards and the bypass of payment systems by merchants ,” 2010, with Marianne Verdier, Journal of Banking and Finance , 34(8), 1798–1807.
“Cooperation in Product Development and Process R&D Between Competitors ,” 2010, with Pınar Doğan, International Journal of Industrial Organization , 28(2), 176–190.
“Modularity and Innovation in Digital Markets ,” 2007, with Pınar Doğan and Matthieu Manant, Review of Network Economics , 6 (2), 175–193.
“Pirates or Explorers? Analysis of Music Consumption in French Graduate Schools,” 2007, with David Bounie and Patrick Waelbroeck, Brussels Economic Review , 50(2).
“Piracy and Demands for Films: Analysis of Piracy Behavior in French Universities,” 2006, with David Bounie and Patrick Waelbroeck, Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues , 3(2), 15–27.
“Build or Buy Strategies in Local Markets ”, 2006, with Pınar Doğan, American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings , 96(2), 72–76.
“An Economist’s Guide to Local Loop Unbundling ,” 2005, with Edmond Baranès, Communications & Strategies , n°57, 13–31.
“Unbundling the Local Loop ,” 2005, with Pınar Doğan, European Economic Review , 49, 173–199.
“The Impact of Uncertainty about Demand Growth on Preemption ,” 2004, Journal of Economics and Business , 56(5), 363–376.
“Service-based vs Facility-based Competition in Local Access Networks ,” 2004, with Pınar Doğan, Information Economics and Policy , 16, 287–306.
“Mimicking vs. Counter-programming Strategies for Television Programs ”, 2003, Information Economics and Policy , 15, 35–54.
“Regulation and Innovation in the Telecommunications Industry ,” 2001, with Pınar Doğan, Telecommunications Policy , 25, 167–184.
Publications in French Journals
“Attitude face au risque et piratage de films en ligne”, 2021, with Marianne Lumeau, François Moreau and Jordana Viotto, Revue Economique , 72, 633-666.
“L'artiste maudit 2.0 : l'impact des TIC sur le revenu des musiciens”, 2019, with Maya Bacache and François Moreau, Revue Economique , 70, 31-51.
“Information Asymmetry and 360-Degree Contracts in the Recorded Music Industry”, 2016, with Maya Bacache and François Moreau, Revue d'Economie Industrielle , N°156, 57-90.
“Niveau d'accès et investissement dans les réseaux de télécommunications”, 2016, with Pınar Doğan and Romain Lestage, Revue Economique , 67, 141-152.
“Une analyse économique du phénomène de la longue traîne dans les industries culturelles”, 2015, with Sisley Maillard and François Moreau, Revue Française d’Economie , 30(2), 179-216.
“L’impact du piratage sur l’achat et le téléchargement légal : une comparaison de quatre filières culturelles ,” 2014, with Irène Bastard and François Moreau, Revue Economique , 65(3), pp. 573–600.
“De la visibilité à l’attention : les musiciens sur Internet,” 2012, with Irène Bastard, Sisley Maillard and François Moreau, Réseaux , n°175, 19–42.
“Les marchés à deux versants dans l’industrie des jeux vidéo,” 2012, with Myriam Davidovici-Nora, Réseaux , n°173–174, 98–135.
“L’impact de la suppression de la publicité sur les chaînes de télévision publiques ,” 2011, with Christian Grece, Revue Economique , 62(5), 781–811.
“Incitations à l’entrée et incitations aux investissements dans le secteur des télécoms ,” 2011, with Pınar Doğan and Matthieu Manant, Revue Française d’Economie , 25(4).
“La détention et l’usage des instruments de paiement en France ,” 2008, with David Bounie, Abel François and Marianne Verdier, Revue d’Economie Financière , 91, 53–76.
“L’impact d’Internet et des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication sur l’Industrie de la Musique Enregistrée ”, 2006, with Michel Gensollen, Revue d’Economie Industrielle , n°116, 31–70.
“Crise des ventes et téléchargements sur les réseaux peer-to-peer : le cas de la France ”, 2006, with Benjamin Labarthe-Piol, Réseaux , n°139, 106–144.
“Le peer-to-peer et la crise de l’industrie du disque : une perspective historique ”, 2004, with Benjamin Labarthe-Piol, Réseaux , n°125, 17–54.
“Sécurité des paiements et développement du commerce électronique ”, 2004, with David Bounie, Revue Economique , 55, 689–714.
“Concurrence en services ou concurrence en infrastructures dans les télécommunications ”, 2003, with Pınar Doğan, Economie Publique , n°12, 45–70.
“Communautés d’expérience et concurrence entre sites de biens culturels ”, 2003, with Michel Gensollen, Revue d’Economie Politique , 113, 61–89.
“Mimétisme ou contre-programmation : un modèle de concurrence entre programmes pour la télévision en clair ”, 2001, with Laurent Benzoni, Revue d’Economie Politique , 111, 885–908.
“La boucle locale radio comme vecteur d’entrée dans les télécommunications ”, 2001, Revue Française d’Economie , 15 (4), 111–143.
Repères Economie des plateformes, with Maya Bacache-Beauvallet, Editions La Découverte, 2022. Prix AFSE 2023 du meilleur livre d'économie , catégorie Manuel.
Les musiciens et la transformation numérique , with Maya Bacache and François Moreau, Editions Peter Lang, 2018.
Régulation des communications électroniques , ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Marc Bourreau, Editions Lavoisier, Hermès, 2016.
Portrait des musiciens à l’heure du numérique , with Maya Bacache and François Moreau, Opuscule du Cepremap, n°22, Editions rue d’Ulm, avril 2011.
Les musiciens dans la révolution numérique : Inquiétude et enthousiasme , with Maya Bacache, Michel Gensollen and François Moreau, éditions de l’IRMA, décembre 2009. [Working paper version ]
Chapters in Books
“Les marchés à deux versants dans les médias,” with David Bounie, in Culture Web , X. Greffe & N. Sonnac (éditeurs), Dalloz, chap. 26, pp. 477–491, 2008.
“Economies of scale in media markets,” in The International Encyclopedia of Communication (ed. Donsbach), Volume IV. Wiley-Blackwell (Oxford, UK and Malden, MA), pp. 1426–1430, 2008.
“Online bidding and buying on the same site,” with Christian Licoppe, in Internet and Digital Economics , Eric Brousseau & Nicolas Curien (eds), Cambridge University Press, pp. 510–535, 2007.
“Pricing Information Goods: Pay vs. Free Content,” with Virginie Lethiais, in Internet and Digital Economics , Eric Brousseau & Nicolas Curien (eds), Cambridge University Press, pp. 345–367, 2007.